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Like 70% of our population, I am a generator according to my human design. This means that my prefered way of interacting with this world is to respond. And to respond from my gut feeling and not from thinking. For a long time I wasn't so happy with this, because responding seemed so reactive. Like I have no free will in anything I do.

This week it came to me that to respond is something entirely different than to react. When you respond you have the choice to either be reactive or pro-active in your actions. There are a few moments in time, when you can let the experience be and decide for yourself how to react to it.

In contrary to responding, reacting doesn't have this gap in time. You react when a dog attacts you, or when you're about to drop something. There isn't much time to think or feel about the situation.

Further I'd like to be a pro-active person instead of a reactive person, and at the same time my purpose is to fully surrender to life and to let go of anything that's holding me back. I can now feel and understand that it's OK and even feels freeing to respond to life.

Maybe this human design thing is really helpful after all!
